Polskie Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Osób z Niepełnosprawnością Intelektualną
Koło w Gdańsku Psoni

Who can play in a band

Who can play in a musical band?

What do you have to learn in order to play in a musical band?

Disabled persons can successfully play in musical bands. ECEKON musical bands can be joined by persons who can play simple instrument parts on one of the musical instruments. Very basic musical skills are enough. Artistic tasks and parts to be played can be very simple (for example, a few tunes), but have to be performed very carefully and at an appropriate time. You can learn to play a chosen instrument in the ECEKON music academy. See the Instrument Playing Academy tab.

Who can play in one of the ECEKON bands?

ECEKON bands include disabled and non-disabled persons as well as professional musicians. Together, they create artistic and social communities.

What about persons with very limited physical abilities?

Persons with very limited physical abilities can also join our musical bands. They can use modern musical technologies in a form of  controllers. Controllers are sensors that change any kind of movement (for example, eyelid, finger or foot movement) into a sound of an electronic instrument. The instruments can also play any timbre.

What else do you have to learn?

In order to play in a band, it is necessary to be able to work in a group, understand tasks addressed to the group and every person it includes. What is very important is the ability to react and fulfil tasks correctly on one’s own. All of these skills can be learned only in a group, or in a band. The musical co-operation skill learning requires time and applies to everyone. Rehearsals are needed and conducted in order to do so. Apart from that, participation in a band requires punctuality (rehearsals, travels, shows), organisation of a place to play and appropriate preparation for the show (an outfit). We teach our students those skills by conducting our artistic activity.

How long can you play in a band and who can help?

ECEKON bands conduct their activity with no time limit. That means that you can play in a band as long as you want, as long as you are willing to and have the power to do so. For example, the Vita Activa Orchestra has been performing since 1995. What is very important is to systematically take part in rehearsals and be ready to perform in public, sometimes in various places and at very different times. It requires independency in performance of musical activities but does not exclude the support of the student’s family, friends and volunteers when it comes to organisational matters.

In which band can I play?

In ECEKON, there are bands of varied composition. Every person that is able to play an instrument will find a place for themselves. It is also possible to establish one’s own band with the support of ECEKON. The biggest band with the longest tradition is the Vita Activa Orchestra. In the orchestra, there are only adults. Other bands of ECEKON members include children, teenagers and adults. Please, see the Musical Bands tab.

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